Currently Happening with Bonnie
Did you hear? Free Shipping May 21st! Yes, it is happening and I could not be more thrilled! It’s been a crazy few weeks. My stampin’ and sharing definitely grounds me, and I am finding that I haven’t devoted enough time. My youngest has finally decided on a college, however we are still in high school playoffs so that has to wait. My second son, graduated from college last Thursday in the middle of a wind and rain storm. Very proud of my son. I am excited to see where Kory’s next adventure will take him. My oldest is back home for the summer and I love having him here, however, so much laundry! Let’s get back to Stampin’ Up! and see what is Currently is Happening with Bonnie.
It’s here and PERFECT TIMING. I need supplies, I need new stuff and I need to shop!! Place your online order through me on 5/21 and I promise, I will send you a token of thanks in the mail. Remember, TUESDAY, MAY 21st is the day to order!
It’s here! The new catalog! READY for you to look through and I would LOVE your feedback! There a bew design to it, new product, new mix and match and NEW IN COLORS! WOO HOO! A lot of pages of samples and I am sure you will look though it a few times and see something new each time. If you are in need of a copy, please reach out as I have them and would love to send you one!
STARTER KIT – this is TOO GOOD to pass up!

Kits Collection
A new month means the addition of 2 new kits! I love seeing what is added to the online store when it comes to the kits collection. Have you seen all the kits? Check here and order your favorite! Here are the latest additions, they make perfect gifts!
attach the CURRENT HOST CODE located on my home page and receive a treat from me!
Please omit Host Code on orders over $150
Bonnie’s Class Schedule
It’s been a month of rearranging classes because of baseball! We are still in it! It’s pretty exciting. Card Club Class this week followed by my Bingo Bash on Friday, May 31st. HOWEVER, I need people to RSVP so I know who is coming the event. Be sure to sign up!! Time to get to crafting.
Happy Stampin’