Currently Happening with Bonnie
There is a lot happening over here that I would love to fill you in! Both professionally and personally I have been rather busy. That’s a good thing right? As you may know, I work part time at a local hospital. Unfortuately, my co-worker had a small fall which resulted in her breaking her tailbone. She’s been out of work and I have been covering a few of her shifts. This week, I finished my last shift at kohl’s for a bit. I need to step back as I am seeing and feeling, I am spreading myself too thin. (I wish my weight was as thin LOL) Lastly, I am still dealing with back pain and stiffness in my legs leading to nerve pain. There are times I feel I have a shock collar on. The pain is very uncomfortable which limits my ability to sit or concentrate on anything other than stretching to relieve the pain. So with all that happening, I have the final weeks of baseball with my youngest as high school baseball will soon be over! YIKES! He is still trying to decide where to go to school. College graduation is happening for my second son, which where did the last 4 years go!!! SO that is the highlights of what is currently happening with bonnie. Next up, let’s get caught up on Stampin’ Up! stuff!
It’s here! The new catalog! READY for you to look through and I would LOVE your feedback! There a bew design to it, new product, new mix and match and NEW IN COLORS! WOO HOO! A lot of pages of samples and I am sure you will look though it a few times and see something new each time. If you are in need of a copy, please reach out as I have them and would love to send you one!
STARTER KIT – this is TOO GOOD to pass up!

Kits Collection
A new month means the addition of 2 new kits! I love seeing what is added to the online store when it comes to the kits collection. Have you seen all the kits? Check here and order your favorite! Here are the latest additions, they make perfect gifts!
attach the CURRENT HOST CODE located on my home page and receive a treat from me!
Please omit Host Code on orders over $150
Bonnie’s Class Schedule
Trying to stay on top of crafting this month will be challenging. Just because I don’t want to miss the final days of baseball and a lot of senior student activities to attend to. It’s nice being this busy and I am hoping this leads me to scrapbook the highlights! RSVP to my classes through my events link or you can email me at The contact me section on my site here is hit everyday with so much spam that it takes me a while to find an actual email. I don’t know how to stop the spam. 🙁
Happy Stampin’