Upcoming Events with Bonnie

Are you currently on my “email” list?  If you are not, let me know and I will be sure to add you.  Here is an email I just sent out to my customers about upcoming classes.  I live on Long Island but some of my classes have the option of class to go if you contact me prior to class.  All classes to go due require an additional handling/shipping fee.  My events tab located in the menu will take you to all my Upcoming Events with Bonnie.  I am updating as we speak so hopefully my July schedule is finished by the time you read this!




Friday’s Email!

The weekend is here and I wanted to quickly remind you of my classes coming up!

1.  All Occasions Card Club – Tuesday, June 26th at 7pm

I am working on the cards after I finish a few things but if you are not a club member and would like to attend class, the class fee is a $30 order.  I only have 1 card done but that’s normal for me! LOL  Holiday Card Club starts in JULY!!! YAY!


#springtimeimpressions #thinlits #bonniestamped #stampinup


2.  Love what you do Note Cards!  

RSVP by 6/23 as I am placing the order for stamp sets, pearls, DSP and notecards. Class is Thursday, 6/28 at 7pm.



3.  BOGO SALESaturday, June 30th from 11am-2pm

Yes, I will be setting up on Friday for the sale…lots of retired items up for grabs!  Are you coming?  Whatever you purchase in retired product, you shop the NEW catalog for equal value!!!  YAY!!


4.  Home Framed Art

LAST CHANCE to create one this summer – Friday, July 6th at 7pm  Class fee is $28  Does NOT include the frame. RSVP by 6/30


#framedart #bonniestamped


5.  Abstract Impressions Product Based Class

Thursday, July 12th at 7pm Class is $65 but includes bundle, 5 cards and 2 note cards. RSVP by 7/4



6.  Holiday Card Club – anyone can join!! 


Inline image


With so many activities leading up to the holiday season, how will it feel to have 40 cards completed by 11/27!  That’s right, with my holiday card club, 40 cards complete by the end of November!  Want to join?  It’s easy to join.  

  •  5 month commitment (July – November)
  • $30 minimum monthly order due by the 15th of each month
  • club class is held the 4th Tuesday of every month (7/31*, 8/30*, 9/25, 10/23 and 11/27)
  • can’t make class?  It’s OK – each month the cards will be designed using one stamp set.  Just add the stamp to your monthly order and you can complete the cards at your home.  I will prep all card stock!  (additional shipping fee applies $5 per month)
  • 8 cards (4 designs) each month (2 regular/2 note cards)  Directions emailed after class to all club members!
  • one of the 5 months, you will receive $15 in Stampin’ Rewards!
  • contact me at bonniestamped@gmail.com to join

Out of towners are welcome to join!  Unfortunately, due to a Stampin’ Up! policy, I am not allowed to send stamped images in the mail.  I do prep as much of the card stock and ribbons as I can.  I pick one to two stamp sets per month so if you chose them in your monthly order, it will complete your projects.  In the past, others have been able to substitute other stamp sets to complete cards.  There is an additional $5 fee per month to cover shipping.  (*It will be held the 4th Tuesday of every month, July and August is different because I am not available due to a prior commitment)


7.  Ribbon Splits through Bonnie

I currently have 6 different ribbon splits available. Contact me if interested.  There is an additional shipping fee for those being mailed to customers. I can group ribbons to help with the additional shipping costs.


#ribbonsplits #bonniestamped #stampinup


Well I think that’s about it for now. I know I have more to share, like June’s Paper Pumpkin!  What a fun kit!  But I have some other crafting to do like graduation cards.  Yes, the last day of school was today and graduation is tomorrow!  Congratulations to all the graduates!

Happy Stampin’



#shopnow #bonniestamped

attach the CURRENT HOST CODE located on my home page and receive a treat from me!

Please omit Host Code on orders over $150



#jointhefun #secondstreetstampers #bonniestamped

Wish List long?

I would love to help you with your Stampin’ Up! adventure!