Have you seen the adorable Merriest Wishes Bundle in the Holiday 2016 catalog?  Right now, if purchased separately you are actually getting an AMAZING deal on the Merriest Wishes Stamp Set ($17) and the Merry Tags Framelits ($12.50)!  I just created a product based class with these two items.  What is a product based class?  It is a class in which product is purchased strictly for the class’s projects.  All guests who register for the class receive the stamp set, framelits and the 6 GIFT CARD HOLDERS!  It’s the perfect time of year to showcase card holders.  Each project a bit different but share the same concept, holding a gift card.

#holidaycards #giftcardholder #candycanelaneSupplies used:  Merriest Wishes: #142063,  Merry Tags Framelits: #141835,  Candy Cane Lane DSP: no longer availableCandy Cane Baker’s Twine: #141983

#giftcardholders#presentsandpinecones #merriestwishes #merrytagsSupplies used:  Merriest Wishes: #142063,  Merry Tags Framelits: #141835, Emerald Envy Baker’s Twine: #141686, Emerald Envy Ruched Ribbon: #141425, Presents and Pinecones DSP: #141986, Banner Triple Punch: #139292

#merriestwishes #merrytags #wamthandcheer #bakerstwineSupplies used:  Merriest Wishes: #142063,  Merry Tags Framelits: #141835, Baker’s Twine Trio Pack: #141999, Warmth & Cheer DSP stack: #141991, Holly Textured Embossing Folder: #141634, Dazzling Details:  #133755

#merriestwishes #merrytags #bundleMerriest Wishes Bundle!